sexta-feira, 5 de junho de 2015


Learning can come in all forms. Some say that ' the road to success is paved with failure’. Still others claim that learn better when memorize the correct answers. And you?  What is your technique? Well, one thing is certain: Practice makes perfect. So why not learn about how to integrate the web tools into your classroom in a fun way? Why not use games with different scenarios to learn and at the same time develop critical thinking, collaborative tasks and put a little creativeness in your teaching and in your students' learning?

image from internet

Last month I had the chance to make part of many courses online and I took a couple of them and I found it very profitable, although being different courses in different institutions the thought was just one : To make the use of web tools as effective as possible to engage and help learners  and qualify teachers to become online teachers as well.

I knew that internet was a vast land where you could get the best and the worst of it. I'm very happy for having found the best of it .But don't think it's easy, it demands lots of time and commitment to search,select and make the use of all of the tools we want in a effective way. However, to select the best one for you and your learners can cause a great anxiety. Which tool to use: communication,collaboration or creativity tool ?

Luckily, I made part of a great course with people who were engaged to seed their knowledge around the world. I could read, comment and see wonderful work done and speeches given from many parts of the world in the MOOC6 course in MOODLE FOR TEACHERS. by Dr. Nellie Deutsch and coworker Tom Hodgers

From May 1 to May 31 important speeches were delivered, some to refresh our knowledge and others to remind us of what seemed to be obvious but for some reason we had never used  or had never thought about it as an online teaching tool. It was what Angelos Bollas on May 10,2015 shared with us, different types of activities which he did with different types of learners  using Twitter in the ELT classroom. Very interesting. Isn't it? As well as Eduardo Lina's webinar about Moodle the one which I'll make my reflection.

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